Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Auer Farm Wish List: Sustaining our Red Tent Temple

We are truly blessed to have landed this space at Auer Farm to hold our Monthly Red Tent Temples. A huge thank you to Katy for facilitating this and for creating inventive ways for us to compensate the farm.

It is time for the Women of the Temple to take a look through our homes and gardens, and see if our trash might become their treasure - and in turn help us maintain our space rental. Anything donated can be dropped off during the week (to the Farm) or brought the day of the temple.

Here is what Auer Farm has put on their wish list:

PLANTS: perennials, annuals, veggies, herbs, shrubs, trees... etc. Divide and conquer! If you are dividing the plants in your garden please consider potting up some of the halves for the Farm. We get nursery price value for them and it goes right to the cost of space! AND many of the plants become used for educational purposes, for the students who come to Auer Farm to learn and for the 4H programs.

LUMBER: Planks or slabs of extra wood


FURNITURE: Sofa, chair, etc. for the learning center or temple space.

TOOLS: For fix it projects and for gardening; both adult and children sized materials wanted

Other Recycled materials: Your trash might be their treasure!!!!

If you are not local but feel called to support our Temple, PLEASE DO - by using the Donate button on the right hand side bar. Your payment will be securely processed usung Pay Pal. You will undoubtedly effect this movement in a wonderful way!

For arrangements or questions please contact our RTT liaison and Lead Teacher for Auer Farm, KATY: (860) 242-7144

Thank you!

~The Red Tent Team~

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