Saturday, February 6, 2010

Shield Workshop 2010

When: Friday, March 19th

Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm

Where: Virginia’s home

-contact for address-

West Hartford, CT

Cost: $75.00 per person

Includes materials for a 12 – 18” shield. Lunch provided

Bring feathers, crystals, and beads for decorating your shield

RSVP: Virginia 860- 523-8943 ~ 860-523-8943

Create your own personal power shield, family shield, or gift shield.

During this full day workshop of interpersonal exploration and creative adventure, Virginia will guide you using Native American techniques that have been passed down to her to share. Connect with your own personal power animals, guides, totems and sacred symbols through guided journeying. We will create sacred space together and receive inspiration from Spirit on this special day. You will be creating the hoop with branches or vines and painting your vision and inspirations on leather that is strung onto the hoops. The shield will then be decorated with sacred objects that will be provided, or that you choose to bring from home. Together, we will share our shields, and ceremony with them to seal in the energies.

No art experience is necessary, only the willingness to fully participate in this Sacred Hoop of Life…come and let Spirit lead the Way!

After registration, you will receive instructions for creating your shield hoop from a branch or vine. Please register no later than March 12th by mailing full payment to Virginia.

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