Greetings on the day after our gathering. I sit in fullness in awe of the day's events. I am grateful, filled with love and renewal. " thanks yours" to all who came, to ALisa who has inspired such returns to women's ways, to Ananda for her ceaseless caring and holding of this RTT, to Lucy for being the welcomer, to Audrey for Priestessing, to all those who brought food and themselves into circle, and to Katy and the Auer Farm for having the glorious space for us to just simply BE.
I walked into an exquisite gathering of intimate sharing in the afternoon after having spent the morning volunteering doing art with cancer kid survivors and their families for the CCMC Cancer Survivor Day "Cycle of Life". An amazing morning of excitement and bussiness was balanced with the quiet and intimacy of our RTT. The smaller circle lent itself to group discussion and a fullness of being welcomed into the fold. Ahhhhhhhh, breathe, slow down, sit and just be and allow all that is there and in here to simply BE! As the afternoon drew us closer to our ceremonial time, a few other women joined us and were graciously welcomed by our sister wisewoman, Lucy. Audrey led us in a most powerful opening and circle ceremony that brought us inward into a fullness and sharing that was amazingly profound through the creation of a Mandala. The day ended as perfectly as it began with the sacredness of letting our creation be returned to our Great Mother. - Into the earth it went ( literaly and figuratively) as it was buried in a garden corner with each of us digging and then covering it with soil as we sang Monica's circle song led by Ananda - Yes, Monica, Katie and all of you wonderous goddesses were there with us in spirit as we sang and gave the mandala back to the earth. Whew! the spiral continues to spin and to weave as we return to our individual but not separate ways of being in this world.
We have a priestess for next month's gathering!!! Our beautiful sister and wisewomyn, Margot (I am so horrific with names, so I hope I have that right).
We have wonderful opportunities to gather in community between now and then as well, so I invite all of you who were together on Sunday and all those who were there in our hearts to join Kathy Gillane and me at the upcoming
North East Hand Drumming Expo.
It is on June 8th at the East Hartford Community Cultural Center on Chapman Street from 1-4PM .
There will be handdrumming workshops facilitated by amazing drummers, a 3 hour long community drum circle and my husband, Craig and I will be guest facilitators for a portion of that. (
Auer Farm is hosting a beautiful day for the public the day before Father's Day, It is the farm's community service day and takes place on June14th from 9am to 11pm . Craig and I will be leading a community drum circle as a FUN raiser / gathering funds for RTT in the morning from 11am -12:00 pm
Donations are gladly accepted as you are able to give ~ $10 pp or with family groups $5 pp.. gratefully accepted. ( (
Last but not least, I invite those who are called to join me in Bloomfield at the Enlightened Professionals Center for the "Celebrate The Feminine day" where I will be leading the opening circle. It is on June 28th from 9-7, cost is $45 pp and there will be 6 glorious women providing workshops, vendor tables anad lots of sharing. Details are attached and will be on my website, as well as on the spiral traditions blog calendar. (www.EPLLC.ORG)
Spread the word, come and play, and I look forward to meeting and greeting those of you who are able to join me in the various events in June.
May the Peace that Surpasses all Understanding awaken in us ALL.
1 comment:
Being involved in this beautiful circle has been healing and transformative. I can be me here- I am honored to share space with authentic women. Thank You-
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