Thursday, April 24, 2008

Red Tent Temple ~ May 4, 2008 ~ Bloomfield, CT

Greetings Wonderful Women!

It’s time again!

To gather in honor of the feminine divine in our magical Red Tent Temple.

Please join us.

Red Tent Temple ~ May 4, 2008 ~ Bloomfield, CT

Please read this invitation thoroughly so you know exactly what is happening and how you might participate.
The Red Tent Temple of the Spiral Traditions Chapter.

~Recreating the Women's Moonlodge for today's culture~

Please forward this to anyone you wish to be invited. Last month's gathering was absolutely wonderful! The Storytellers chair was initiated by Lucy who spoke of nourishing our blood with rich herbal nutrition and about remembering the wisdom imprinted in our own cells. Virginia led us on an inspirited journey during circle, with singing bowls and emotional transformation.

~ It is scheduled for Sunday May 4, 2008, from 11 am to 5+ pm.
~ Set up will be from 9-11am.
~ A brief opening/orientation circle will be held at 12 noon.
~ 11-12 am and 12:30-3pm will be free-form, organic time, where you can do what you wish in the space.
~ Formal Circle will be held from 3-5pm
~ 5-7 pm will be community time (farewells, hugs, networking, resting after circle..) and break down of the space.

Located on the beautiful land of Auer Farm we will be held in the arms of Mother Earth while we retreat safely and honor the feminine spirit. The Red Tent will happen every month, on the Sunday closest to the New (dark) Moon.

Inside the Red Tent will find a space to heal and be heard. To be your whole self. To go within and tap into your divine creative source. There will be space to rest, journal, cry, connect with sisters, breathe, meditate, and reconnect with what ties us all together: being woman. Womb or not, bleeding or not, all women from all walks of life are welcome.

Suggested Donations of $10.00 to $20.00 are requested but not mandatory.

There will be a beautiful storytellers chair, a greivance altar, a community altar, herbal teas and homemade soup. It is sacred space to go within and honor your divine feminine being. A place to remember.

Young women of Menarche age are welcome for all of the day except the formal circle at 3:00 which is adults only.
Nurslings are welcome until walking age.

This vision is held in the spirit of community and collaboration. Everyone who sets this up is working on a volunteer basis, which makes your attendance and contributions integral. Please take a look at the share list below and the garden volunteer dates to see where you are called to collaborate to keeping this vision alive and well. On the side bar to the right, there is a donation button you can use to make financial contributions.
It is vital to our culture and to our next generations that we reclaim our innate Spiral Traditions. We are a culture starved for authenticity - but we don't have to be. The Red Tent Temple is a transformational movement.

RSVP's are important. We need to know how much soup to make or request, who can Priestess, and who can bring what. When you refer to the share list below - please email us on what it is you are called to bring or do, so we can keep this day organized and wonderful. When you rsvp, you will receive a detailed Temple email in return.

Set up - Ananda,
Break down - Ananda,
Providing Soup/s- Melis, Lucy, Mary
Providing herbal belly tea/s- Ananda,
Priestess for Circle - Ananda
Welcomer, Greeter - Lucy
Drumming, music, Lucy
Cloth bringers (Collective: We really need more than one woman for this. It will take a lot of cloth to paint the room)
Red Tent Journal - Ananda
Pillow, backjack, mat bringers, Lucy, Virginia
Altar objects -every woman is encouraged to bring something for the altar, to be charged up with energy while she attends. Taken home after.
Candle provider- Melis
Talking Bowl/stick bringer - Lucy
Healers; energy healers, body workers, oracles, wanted to serve either for free or at lowered cost.
Massage Table -
Markers -
Auer Farm:
*Drum Circle to benefit the RTT led by Virginia, TBA
*Community Gardening work-share: May 10, 9am

Ira Progoff Intensive Journal Workshop - CT

Is set for September!

I am extremely excited to be sponsoring this extraordinary, personally rewarding intensive. I will have a more formal description of it coming soon for you, but for now, since I just added the payment buttons (to the right) I thought I would make a mention. The website has good information if you are eager to see what it's all about:

The Workshop is a two day process and will be taking place at the beautiful, scenic Conference Center at Great Hollow Wilderness School, New Fairfield, CT. September 6 & 7 are the days to mark in your calendar.

If you are a writer, a parent, a circle leader, a young adult at a crossroads, or growing into your mature years ... this workshop will help you find your most powerful truths and lead you down your most meaningful life path.

Don't Miss out on you!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Maya Abdomimal Massage with Lucy Mitchella: Self Care Weekend

Don't miss this opportunity to learn the Womb-Wisdom of our Grandmothers right here in Ct! read on .....
~The Earth is my Body, Water is my Blood, Wind is my Breath and Fire is my Spirit~

Arvigo Maya Abdominal Self Care
Training Weekend
With Lucy Mitchella
L.M.T., D. Ay., Herbalist

April 26-27 2008

Litchfield CT - see calendar link upper right

The Uterus is a Woman’s Center. If it is out of balance, she will be physically, emotionally, and spiritually out of balance.”
~Don Elijio Ponti, Rosita Arvigo’s Teacher

This important weekend will cover all the essentials of Maya Abdominal Massage for Self care. It will cover the anatomy and physiology of the abdominal and reproductive organs. It will address causes and symptoms of mal-positioned organs, and will teach the techniques of Maya abdominal massage for self care use. Herbal, nutritional, spiritual, and emotional support for the massage is also incorporated, making the modality fully comprehensive and directly applicable to your health and wellness.

Included in the weekend is a private, one-half hour evaluation, providing helpful one-on-one immersion into the technique. Healing products will also be available for purchase.

Completion of the self care weekend prepares the individual to perform the massage technique on him/her self only and is a prerequisite to enrollment in Professional Training for licensed practitioners. CEU’s are available to licensed Massage Therapists and Nurses upon request.

Your Instructor: Lucy Mitchella........

These are the Ancient Ways that we are remembering. Throughout ancient history, women have always done this for themselves…. and for each other. We need to bring this wisdom back. It is my calling to share this.”

Lucy is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Practicing Herbalist, Certified Maya Abdominal Massage Instructor trained by Rosita Arvigo, and seasoned teacher.

Join us in relearning our healing birthright ... at

The Wisdom House Retreat Center,

229 East Litchfield Rd, 06759

(Registration Details on Calendar)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Red Tent Temple Dates for 2008 - CT -

This years Red Tent Temples have been scheduled for the following dates. Please check back here frequently for each month's share list, updates, and to help us keep this vision alive with your loving donations.

Thank you!

April 6
May 4
June 1
July 6
August 3
August 31 (Blue-Moon style)
September 28
October 26
November 30
December 28

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Carpool to the Red Tent


As we ride along this adventure of creating the Red Tent together, we are learning more about it. We are learning more about how it works and what some of the needs are.

One of those needs is to help ensure that women who wish to attend the Temple but are without transportation, are supported by the greater community. Until we come up with the best way to coordinate willing drivers and their matching passengers, we'll use this blog space.

If you can offer a ride, or need one, please take advantage of the comments area at the end of this entry to connect yourselves, or the Spiral Traditions email and we will help coordinate.

Bright Blessings!