Saturday, March 15, 2008

Red Tent Temple ~ Exquisite Success

When women gather, magic happens. Sunday's time in our first red tent was just that. Thank you to all the women who came, participated, and engaged. The room was infused with a deep vibrancy of women's truth.

The kitchen bubbled over with pots of delicious, nourishing soups and teas. The tears bowl received the letting go, which later watered the garden. Women shared counsel, silent moments of support, serendipitous moments of meeting or reading just the right words from a book picked up. Women took time to hug, to breathe, to write, pray, and do exactly what it is they needed.

During circle, we journeyed to our wombs and took the time to communicate with her, ask her what she needed, and to welcome and honor her wisdom. We passed the talking bowl and let out the buried words, fears, angers, and hopes.

We need time to assimilate, to be inside a chrysalis. To acknowledge our womb-cycle. The world cannot benefit from more stress, only from our centered, dream-connected, charged being.

Welcome Red Tent, to the New Millennium. You've been crumbled, rejected, ignored, and discarded.

No more! Every month on or near the new moon, there will be more and more of these red rooms, these temples of timeless wisdom. Welcome Maidens, Mothers, Crones, healers, weavers, all.

Blessed Be

This years Red Tent Temples have been scheduled for the following dates. Please check back here frequently for location, share list, updates, and to help us keep this vision alive with your loving donations.
April 6
May 4
June 1
July 6
August 3
August 31 (Blue-Moon style)
September 28
October 26
November 30
December 28

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