Planting Abundance…April in the Red Tent
On a stunningly beautiful Spring day that only Gaia could create, the women made their way to the tent. From the four directions and so many walks, for this one day their paths converged and they followed each other into their special, light-filled, sacred space, not knowing what the day would bring, but knowing they wanted to be a part of it.
It occurred to me as we set up and adorned our space as only we can, that we are wonderfully unique, each from the other, and that we relish that diversity in a way that we need to bring back out into the world. Poems were shared, soups and other divine foods were offered and gratefully received, creativity honored, stories told, and, just before the circle began, the mood was beautifully set by Jessie Mayer who came for the tent, but generously shared her music and her heart as well.
Lucy was our Priestess and it was she who had called for the theme of “Planting Abundance” for this circle. At her suggestion, we brought items that symbolized abundance for us and created a beautiful Abundance Altar with these symbols and totems. When the circle began, Lucy led us on a journey to meet Lakshmi and to plant abundance for ourselves. When the journey was complete, each of us shared a bit of our experience on the powerful path to abundance and all that it offers.
It occurs to me as I write this summary each month, that it is a challenge to adequately express the beauty and wonder that we experience at every Red Tent and especially the power we all feel even as we create it. Every circle is delightfully different and an equally precious gift to each of us.
When I decided I would write this today, I asked Spirit for a special message to share with our Red Tent community. I did this while I was doing my morning devotions and this is the message I received for all of us. It comes from the “Healing Earth Tarot,” by Jyothi and David McKie:
Ten of Shields:
The Ten of Shields represents the Earth’s nurturing and sharing qualities within a group of supporting people. In this case, the group is all women from various parts of the world with the figure of the green goddess at their head. In the center of the circle are the ten shields from the women’s tribes or families of people.
In this sharing of strengths, much can grow and prosper. The women know that their combined abilities bring a wealth of understanding and experience to the entire group, which could not be achieved singly. This female circle reflects what is possible when we bring our uniqueness as individuals together, not to compete or compare, but to encourage or enjoy.
In a reading, the Ten of Shields is wealth which will nurture your growth to the fullest extent possible at this particular time. Look for opportunities to share your experiences with others of like mind or interest, for these are your family or community who can aid you in your forward movement.
I’d say that pretty well describes our amazing group and what we are to each other. In closing, I would also offer this: The very best way any of us can aid anyone else is by nurturing and loving ourselves to the best of our abilities. Each of us is a part of the Red Tent for what it gives to us and, in turn, because it gives so much, it then enables us to give to others.
Thank you for being an important part of this wonderful community and please join us on May 16th for the next Red Tent Temple.
So it is. So it will be.